2022 Learning Trends

The 2022 Learning Trends Report is designed to help learning and performance professionals take stock, plan strategically, and learn from each other.

Thank you to everyone who recently participated in our 2022 Learning Trends Survey. We had 377 respondents from around the world as well as from a wide variety of industries.

We used the survey results to create our 2022 Learning Trends Report. As learning and performance professionals, we have experienced in the last few years the single largest upheaval in our field:

  • the pandemic disurption
  • the move beyond training to performance
  • sophisticated new learning technologies
  • the science-of-learning revolution
  • behavior change
  • data analytics

More than ever, to prepare ourselves we need to take stock, plan strategically, and learn from each other. That is the purpose for this year’s report.

TiER1ers Will Thalheimer, PhD; Zac Ryland; Will Phillips; and Walter Warwick, PhD, summarize the results and share their analysis of the data. You can access the report here.

Will Thalheimer, Zac, and Walter discussed the results even further in our webinar, 2022 Learning Trends: Informing Strategies for Success. You can view the webinar recording here.

About the Learning Trends Report

This is the seventh year of the Learning Trends diagnostic survey and report. Given the accelerating trends in our industry, we decided to completely redesign this year’s diagnostic survey. We expanded and updated our questions and options. We added questions to drill down into our overall performance outcomes, learning evaluation, and the impact of COVID-19.

We also added a new feature this year to better distinguish between what the best organizations are doing and what the rest of us are doing. By looking at key indicators, we selected respondents who are in the top 15% of the represented organizations. These “exemplary” organizations were chosen based on how well they are improving employee work performance and how rigorous they’ve been conducting learning evaluation. Through these and other updates, both the survey and the report were designed to be more relevant for decision-making, benchmarking, and team reflection and dialogue.

At a glance, this year’s survey participants:

  • Are very experienced, with over 60% having more than 10 years of experience.
  • Have ages across the lifespan, with about 17% from 26-35, 25% from 36-45, 32% from 46-55, 25% from 56-65, 6% are 66 and older, and 1% are 26 or younger.
  • Lean heavily to the US and Canada, represented by 64% of respondents, with 24% from Europe and the UK, and 8% from Australia, New Zealand, and India.
  • Mostly focus on learners in their own organizations (57%), with 27% focusing on learners in other organizations, and 16% focused on both.
  • Play a wide variety of roles, from individual contributors (32%), leaders of teams (25%), project managers (12%), and senior L&D leaders (10%), among other roles.
  • Work on an immense number of task areas, including building online instructor-led live sessions (the top task), documents/handbooks/etc., self-study eLearning, and dozens more.
  • Work for organization of all sizes, including companies with 200 or fewer people (29%), companies from 201 to 10,000 people (40%), and companies from 10,001 to 25,000+ people (31%).
  • Work for different types of organizations, including not-for-profits (about 6%), government (10%), educational institutions (7%), business NOT in the learning industry (51%), and vendors and consultancies that provide learning or learning-related products/services (26%).

We asked survey participants the following questions:

  • What are the most common L&D tasks that people are working on?
  • What L&D technologies are currently in use?
  • What are L&D teams going to be spending the most time getting started with in 2022?
  • How are L&D teams dealing with COVID-19? 
  • Where do L&D professionals like us go for their professional development? 
  • What design processes are L&D teams using? How many are using the most sophisticated or research-based practices?
  • How often do our design teams include our target audiences in the design process?
  • How often do our learning teams go beyond training and focus on performance improvement or get into the work context to support people directly in doing their work?
  • What are the top methods used by learning teams to gain insight and diagnose learning needs?
  • What are our learning design goals?
  • How much personal connection have we felt with our work group over the last few months? 
  • How successful were we in our learning teams in creating learning opportunities that improved employee work performance?
  • How well are we innovating? 

Want to learn more? View our webinar, 2022 Learning Trends: Informing Strategies for Success. If you’re interested in having a deeper conversation about learning solutions, let’s talk! Fill out the form below or call us at 859-415-1000 to talk to a TiER1 consultant.

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TiER1 Performance

TiER1’s mission is to improve organizations through the performance of people to build a better world. We wake up every morning ready to tackle big challenges, so that more people can do the amazing work they are meant to do. When they contribute more, stretch their talents, and free themselves of workplace limits, a remarkable thing happens—they become happier and more fulfilled. And that means they reduce stress, create healthier relationships, and simply find more joy. Every day we’re in business, we really are building a better world. Our purpose is to help people do their best work—that’s the lens we wear every day. As an employee-owned firm, we apply that to our client organizations, their people, and ourselves. And to do that, we embrace our core values: High Performance, Relationships, Initiative, Accountability, Value, AND Fun.

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