This Is How You Deliver Bad News

This Is How You Deliver Bad News

This Is How You Deliver Bad News A few years ago, my husband and I had to deliver some difficult news to our daughter. Her favorite baseball player (“in the universe, Mom”) Todd Frazier was traded from her favorite team, the Cincinnati Reds, to the Chicago White Sox....
The Art of Coming Together

The Art of Coming Together

The Art of Coming Together Recently, I went with my daughter and her sixth-grade class on their end-of-the-year field trip. Two-and-a-half days of camping with about 80 sixth graders involved all the activities you’d expect at camp—from eating in the mess hall to...
Coming Together Through Change

Coming Together Through Change

Coming Together Through Change I have a confession to make: I hate change. There, I said it. I have spent my career empowering learners to grow and develop, so I guess this confession might be a bit ironic. However, I feel compelled to make it in the spirit of being...
Beyond Trust Falls

Beyond Trust Falls

Going Beyond Trust Falls: Shared Adversity Builds Team Cohesion Shared adversity builds team cohesion. People in the military know it. So do coaches and athletes involved in competitive team sports. It’s the whole reason ropes challenge courses can be found nearly...